Lutheran Asian Ministries (LAM) is primarily working in the northern part of Southeast Asia also known as the Mekong Region. This region encompasses Myanmar (Burma), Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. In the past 50 years this region has been war torn with millions of people affected and still being affected by a past regional war known as the Indochina war (Vietnam war) creating large vast of groups of people that are unreached for the Gospel.
Our work in the region consists of evangelism, church planting, church building, education support and development, well/water relief, disaster relief, working with boarder people and much more. We partner with many local churches in the region. With one full time missionary from the USA, partner missionaries and also many local pastors that rely on us to insure their churches are able to grow as they are reaching out to their local communities.
For details of individual countries please see their pages and read through our newsletters for recent developments.