
Cambodia, officially known as the Kingdom of Cambodia, has an estimated population of 15.4 million people with less than 2% of them being Christian. The primarily religion is Buddhist. The country is considered to be a constitutional monarchy nation.

LAM's work in Cambodia is in connection with Lutheran Congregation in Mission for Christ of Cambodia (LCMCC). LCMCC is based in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. Their current mission area of focus is in three areas: church mission, well ministry, and a mission school.

Prayer Request:

  • We have a current need to support young leaders to attend bible school and also need for subsidizing local pastors in the region.
  • Pray for the well ministry, and continued growth.
  • Pray for our new ministry with factory workers that currently have three small groups.
  • Pray that the growth in support for LCMCC, so that our mission can continue to grow.
  • Pray for LCMCC national leader.

LCMCC is thankful for all its partners in this great mission.

area of mission

Church Mission: Currently, we are working/Partnership with 15 Churches. 10 Churches claimed to be an LCMCC. Two are located at the floating village in Siem Reap and in Kompong Chhnang Province.

The Wells Ministry: With some donations from churches and friends in other parts of the world, we are able to dig wells for the poor in many parts of Cambodia. So, far thanks to the Lutheran Men in LCMC USA and many members at Morningside Lutheran Church for their offerings for the wells. It is a greatest deal for the Kingdom of God.

Grapevine TX Mission School: This school is located at the floating village in Kompong Chhnang Province. With financial support from a church in Texas and is accountable to LCMCC, the school is running well with 80 children. They worship on Sunday and study during the week.